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His Girl Friday (poem)

I didn’t know,

I could love 

you so.

My single rose.


yet still somehow grows.

I didn’t know.

No lyric prepared me,

no single prayer 

could ever have saved me. 

Love, like a dragon’s lair 

something I saw 

now not so sure was there.

And what use am I?


you can have

the whole entire sky. 

Every sheen and hue 

remind only of you.

To what purpose 

or what point 

was I even born?

When I am left 

so forlorn.

Grateful only 

once you’re gone.

As if all the birds 

conspired of you 

just so there could be 

a dawn.

For all that is left of you 

is in song.

Yet sometimes still, 

in a stifled sigh or yawn 

I can catch you sideways. 

But only during cloudy afternoons 

on Fridays.


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