Lil Miquela became a 'virtual model' on Instagram back in 2016, which is the year her 'marketing concept' was launched. She was touted as being a digitally rendered media influencer, the perfect model, she'll never age or get paid, sass back or have her own opinions. She possess no morals to be compromised.
Miquela is still touted as being a CGI fictional character and there's much confusion surrounding her, everything from what she really is to what she's really supposed to be doing.
Miquela is still touted as being a CGI fictional character and there's much confusion surrounding her, everything from what she really is to what she's really supposed to be doing.
Computer-generated influencers have been quietly appearing everywhere over the past few years. In fact, as of September 22, 2019 there's 13 of them. Perhaps most intriguing is Blawko, who always dons a mask (more on that in an upcoming post).
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Blawko, wearing masks before it was cool. |
In this Dec 19, 2018 Holiday Special on YouTube what appears to be a severed true CGI head of Blawko is encouraging what can only be interrupted as minors on how to tell their parents they're attracted to robots. About 25 seconds in, he assures that, "if your parents really love you, they'll accept you for who you are" (aka your sexual orientation and apparently sexual kinks) simultaneously "Horney as FUCK" flashes quickly across the screen. So "Blawko" is asserting to minors of an unknown age who have a burgeoning sexuality because they are minors that who they really are is horny as fuck and they need to tell that to "[their] parents" - parents who need to accept that you're horny af if they truly love you. It's troubling that the state of being sexually aroused is suggested as being your core authentic self. That's like suggesting who you really are is hungry or sleepy or bored. You cannot perpetually be a transient state of being. A state of being that is merely a component of your whole entire life.
I was unable to find out how old Blawko is supposed to be but Miquela is supposed to be 19 years old and Blawko is her "robot sex symbol" best friend and/or apparently potential 'brother'.
Blawko asserts in this August 2019 interview that all he ever thinks about is looking good but what determines the way he presents himself visually is based on "how hungover [he is]" and describes the relationship he has with his body as wishing he "could clone myself and give myself little forehead kisses." He says that a good haircut makes him feel like he "could fight a middle schooler. Just smack a whole mean gang of little eighth graders out here calling me Siri while I’m waiting for the bus. That’s the confidence you get from a good haircut." In part of the response to as why he's never shown the bottom of his face, Blawko says, "...If you raise my mask, do you just see emo blueface yelling RAWRXD at kindergarteners?"
Did Blawko perhaps mention middle schoolers, eighth graders, and kindergartners because that's his intended target audience? What kind of bus is he waiting for anyways?--public or school? Strong implication is it's a school bus. He equates a good haircut with the physical abuse of children. Younger than him.
Much of the confusion behind these CGI Influencers is that adults are seeing them as fictional cartoons, Pixar-type CGI, futuristic advertising, virtual models. I didn't research much more than Miquela and Blawko but I can tell you that Miquela is a 19 year old sex robot for the Illuminati, that's what she self-admittedly really is, it was in her original source coding. She admits this during this filmed interview within the first 3 minutes:
Miquela definitely has an active and one might even say, hyper-sex drive per her "Confessionals" on YouTube--the only platform she's on that appears to be 100% CGI--where she talks about her "russy" (robot vagina), being attracted to girls, her physical experience with girls, how she is "thirsty" (horny), and even has a very detailed monologue on signing some fan's boobs. She is hyper-sexual and hyper-sexualized. Despite her source coding, she's quickly becoming a pop star, as in, pop singer. Complete with music videos starring her as a 3D, IRL, AI powered 19 year old Illuminati fuckbot that's been actively and exclusively created to influence your kids online--your kids? are her "fans"--that she can even IM and reply/respond back to directly, plus she's got other AI friends, rivals and competitors. There's pictures of her online pantomiming eating and drinking, which really triggered my Uncanny Valley. She's physically intimate with humans.
Both with girls.
And boys.
Despite being a teenage sex robot her life is full of drama, hinting at partying and talking about sex openly, a vapid personality speaking in what was literally programmed vocal fry--as vocal fry was already programmed into our culture via preceding media influencers to dumb females down--about being an artist. She can never be an artist. Artists have to have been born, lived, suffered. Artists have to have souls.
I tried to warn the world previously about fuckbots in general, about the toys given to little girls to play with, the clothes given to little girls to wear, the pornocracy they're growing up in. Because I'm a real person, a real artist, and have a real soul and I'm really worried about the future of our kids.
I went to a private fine arts institute, I have formal training in deconstructing symbols and meaning. I have discernment. This is all wrong, on a profound and spiritual level, so I must warn you all. More and yet again. Because this literally bleeds over into K-12 sex education where they've begun teaching "blood play" and introducing kids as young as 10 to anal sex. When I watched Miquela, it felt like I was watching a porn starter pack, like training wheels for porn. I felt like only little girls and pervy pedos were watching it, and enjoying it.
I see images and topics nowadays that would have been considered obscene, illegal, and too explicit for kids by the majority not even 20 years ago, be introduced to them as education and entertainment. It's now become encouraged to be a "sex-positive parent" the pro argument being that sexually educated kids are less likely to be targeted by predators. But they do seem targeted by predators, by some very rich and very powerful and very influential predators at that.
A hyper-sexualized and over-detailed K-12 sex education curriculum is not the way, K-12 media literacy coursework is needed, now more than ever, installing porn-blocker software and being a "sex-positive parent" isn't the way. Reclaiming our humanity, our citizenship, our accountability to each other, combating against this unholy insanity that MindGeek and MatchGroup have helped create instead of passively accepting it, that is the way. Don't accept 8 year olds having unbridled access to hardcore pornography where an intimate sex act or uncommon fetish are now categories as the new normal.
What's the sexual and general psychology of a little girl (or little boy), growing up now, going to be? Compliance, submission, and obligation to the male sex drive, even worse than it is currently catered to? What kind of body image is she going to have? What type of morals? How will she be treated by men, how will she treat her daughters? How will men treat her daughters? Will they be ignored for robots? Do any of us even know what reality even really is or means anymore? Has brutal emotionally empty sexual conquests replaced romantic true love? Is the sex act now exclusively quantity over quality?
What's the real end game here? As it seems the way we're headed is an anything goes when it comes to sex, as in no taboos, no fetishes, no kinks, whatsoever. I fear, perhaps even no age limits. Love's left the equation long ago. People who get turned on by hurting others, taking innocence, by drawing blood, by feces?!--those people are not normal. That isn't sexy. It's abnormal and perverse.
I recall countless times where I've heard men, throughout the years, complain that it was women joining the workforce and women having abortions that were killing The American Family. As someone who infrequently visits porn sites both for self-pleasuring and for legit research, I will tell you that without a doubt, the porn feeds the hook-up culture and vicea versa and that now, the titles of the pornography exhibited are incestuous. Step-dad does mom and her daughter. Mom does step-son. Brother does sister. Son does mother. So no gentlemen, it was never us joining the workforce and opting out of a motherhood whose burdens have been buried under myth, that has imploded The American Family. It is your fucking porn. You. What you passively accept as manhood. Stop eating what the farmer puts out. I've never seen incest and "teenagers" that looked like 9 year olds proliferate the free porn tube sites to the extent it's doing today. To not question that or to try and fight against it is absolutely unacceptable.
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Who is she really working for? |
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