James Charles has been touted around for "making history" and "breaking gender norms" since he's become the first male to be a CoverGirl. That statement only makes sense if wearing makeup itself was "normal" but as it's not - he's certainly not breaking anything; Mr. Charles is instead merely conforming to an already--and ancient--abnormal construct.
The cultural use of cosmetics for both male and female is an ancient practice. It's nothing new. CoverGirl is merely touting this notion to expand makeup sales, and is definitely using sensationalism to accomplish this. It's a marketing gimmick, a ploy. Although cosmetics have been used for centuries in religious rituals, to enhance beauty, and to promote good health, with the recent CoverGirl launch of "So Lashy" they'd have you believing that mascara was just invented. It wasn't.
Cosmetic pioneer Eugene Rimmel--founder of the British House of Rimmel in 1835--invented the first 'modern day' mascara, and to this day, the word rimmel means mascara in many languages. Across the Atlantic Ocean and at roughly the same time, in 1913, (about 104 years ago as of this writing) a man named T. L. Williams created a remarkably similar substance for his sister Maybel. By 1917, T. L. Williams had started a mail-order business from the product that grew to become the company we know today as Maybelline. American chemist T.L. Williams created the first modern day mascara by mixing coal dust and petroleum jelly. Attractive.
Cosmetic usage throughout history can be indicative of a civilization's practical concerns, such as protection from the sun, class system, or of its conventions of beauty. The history of cosmetics usage, goes all the way back to the androgynous lashes of Ancient Egypt, 3500 B.C. - 2500 B.C. men used to style their lashes just as often as women. They used kohl and ointments to darken the lashes, which also served as protection for their eyes from the sun's harmful rays. Archaeologists have even found a 164,000-year old makeup set in a South African cave.
Archeological evidence shows that Egyptian ladies were dolling themselves up to mainly please the gods. As the women felt their appearance was directly related to their spiritual worth. They employed a combination of burnt almonds, oxidized copper, different-colored coppers ores, lead, ash, and ocher--called kohl (origin of the word coal?)--to adorn the eyes in an almond shape. Women started to carry cosmetics to parties in makeup boxes and keep them under their chairs. This phenomena can be found in the archaeological digs at several ancient civilizations, like Mesopotamia and Assyria, where dust of grinded precious stones was used to decorate women's lips and eyes. The true revolution of mascara and other eye related cosmetic products came from Ancient Egypt.
I would encourage any readers that enjoy this blog and reading in general, especially of the fantastical, to pursue anything written by John A. Keel, he's the original author of The Mothman Prophecies - all well documented true paranormal events that surrounded the collapse of The Sliver Bridge into the Ohio River, the activity appeared to have convened around just this such tragedy and it is an amazing tale including sightings of legit Men In Black.
What Keel's written however that I particularly want to reference briefly is his Disneyland of the Gods as to me, it's one of his best works. Another excellent book to read is William Bramley's The Gods of Eden. I reference these books to you as to me, it's very obvious that at some point in human history we had a closer relationship to 'gods' which could now very well merely be seen to be galactic custodial guardians of some sort. They obviously had alot of influence over humanity and the direction it developed. There's heavy evidence that this is still occurring if you are willing to observe the world around you for what it actually is. Bramley even credits an alien source for our introduction of the gun. Bramley's original research on the cause of war lead him to an incredible revelation that war always benefits a third party and that it is indeed, much to his own surprise, extraterrestrial.
Many of my own studies really do point to our species being a highly developed slave race to mine Earth for gold. Something obviously happened to release us as a salve race to extraterrestrials somewhere along the way, or the nature of the slavery changed. Perhaps Earthlings, both male and female became sexually desirable. The mythology surrounding Grey "aliens" and the Reptilians (considered "shape shifters") actually ties closer into what Keel ultimately proposed, which is that there is no separating paranormal events. Keel stated it was a mistake, a blind-sight of humanity, to envision that ghosts, aliens, mothmen, angels, demons, chupacabras, and other ilk of that kind were separate entities. Not unlike the fictional inter-dimensional creature Stephen King thought up in 'IT', Keel essentially indicated that it was far more likely that there were some type of parasitic energy eaters in our midst that influence us, some of those energy eaters eat our bad energy, some eat our good. So the entire belief system in this battle of good and evil in the heavens over our tortured human souls could be reducing your tears and laughter, anger and happiness, down to food. But the paranormal phenomena isn't separate, it's all the same. There is no difference between Bigfoot and Springheel Jack or a poltergeist. Keel stated it was an illusion to believe otherwise. If you read his work, it's very convincing.
I mention all of this as it appears the main aim of doing one's eyes up back in the day was to appear like you had dark almond shaped eyes to please the gods, to be more attractive to the gods. It is extremely possible then, with all the information I've been exposed to, to conclude that these ancient civilizations were mimicking and attempting to appease their true overlords.

Even the word mascara's etymology is believed to be 'mask' and in Latin treatises sometimes the word is used when referring to witches?
The use of kohl made its way into Babylonian, Greek, and Roman empires and developed into becoming a fashion statement, not unlike the cat eye of today.
Let us not forget that the Egyptians did worship cats! The goddess Bastet was the feline goddess of choice. She was regarded as a fierce protector of the home (especially children and royalty), largely because of cats' renowned ability to kill snakes, scorpions, and other vermin. Her followers called her the "Eye of Ra" .
Now I realize people like to make fun of conspiracy theorists, but I have been interested in the paranormal and fantastical my entire life. I like to read up on conspiracy theories as oftentimes, many of them do overlap.
It's extremely difficult to believe that James Charles was not a forced viral creation, especially when certain photographs start showing up, such as:
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(Him doing a one-eyed salute). |
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(This commercial featuring an "Eye" on his t-shirt with Katy Perry, a suspected Beta Kitten). |
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(The one eye again, with another random eye and triangle behind his shoulder did start to convince me that he is an industry pawn, he's an implement of the occult elite's mystical magick. If you stop and look through the overabundance of Vigilant Citizen's seemingly endless catalogs of Symbolic Pics Of The Month it's impossible not to note the reoccurring themes. LOVE YOU VC!!). |
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These types of actions come to us as humans easily because our bodies themselves are avatar's for our souls, our qi/chi, our divine animation. We are no more our genitals then we are our nose, a pinky toe, or our left foot. If you cut me to bits, am I not still me? Where am I? Am I my heart, my brain, my stomach?--I am not my organs. Was Helen Keller her site and hearing?--most certainly not. We are divinely animated to communicate all manner of philosophies. Isn't that alone something to be treasured as miraculous? Every voice and life is truly unique! The diversity in life, in nature, in the world that created us, instead of us creating it - that's to be celebrated!!! It is life, life is different, it is the same, it is a cycle, and certain rhythms, events, and emotions, we all share.
But has anyone seen Norah Vincent become a spokesman for Duluth Trading Co.'s Men's Buck Naked Performance Boxer Briefs???--NO.
This is what James Charles looks like sans makeup:

Pretty unexceptional...which is probably why he does his makeup, he wants to appear to be attractive because now, apparently, men as well as women are supposed to derive their self-worth from their appearance. If that is the point of all this nonsense then we are not taking any collective steps forward as a species. Men will face the same blight of aesthetics just as women already do and have. This is the pith of eating disorders and body image disorders in women. This unreal aesthetic, this belief that your value is bound exclusively to your appearance is erroneous and disastrous. It is not anything men should wish to mimic.
I remember as a preteen and teenager pouring over my flaws, every blemish, pimple, open pore, blackhead, scar, dimple, and dent was a direct reflection of my inadequacy. My failure to achieve beauty. I used to not even be able to leave the house without a full face of makeup that would sometimes take 45 to 120 mins to apply. It is a ridiculous preening ritual. As you grow older as a woman in America, you very quickly realize--if you have half a brain--that cashing in on looks is a series of diminishing returns, you will inevitably age; you also start to desire that men care less of your looks and more of what you say. This idiotic notion that women rule the world due to how they look completely dismisses masses of women that are ugly, homely, manly, old, fat - undesirable to the patriarchy. You also realize as you age as a female American that you do not want to actually attract a serial rapist or serial sexual killer. The best way to avoid that fate is to either steal yourself in your own defense or not purposely attract the male gaze at all, as if you catch the eye of the wrong male, you face certain death. That is the reality for the American female.
A series of hypocrisy and double standards.
As I age I find myself judging men more harshly, categorizing them on their appearance, assigning them value based on their level of "attractiveness" - which is not always determined by appearance, it is mainly fueled by demeanor! For masses of men to become enchanted with a lie, to become obsessed with possession of a female merely based on fleeting appearances, makeup is an illusory appearance at that, and the indulgence of ego due to male entitlement, is shown again and again and again every time a woman is murdered by a thwarted lover or deranged partner. So this is what comprises the dilemma of Rape Culture.
Making men conform to a new 'effeminate' status quo is not any kind of solution, it will only create more confusion, more spiritual unrest, more conflict. And if Keel is right in any way about his theory about our emotions being food for some type of interdimensional entity or beings, then purposely constructed social unrest makes sense. It's a feast.
It is also easier to control confused materialistic vain vapid people, is it not? Let's be real. Makeup sales and cancer rates will no doubt increase if CoverGirl and the chemical makeup industry gets their way..it's very unfortunate that we live in a society where predatory Janus style capitalism will essentially "eat your cancer when you turn black".
The research on the psychological war on women lead me to conclude that there is also a psychological war on men, teenagers, children, babies, and the elderly. In America there's this tremendous social disconnect from each other. Many face a fate of being bedridden and binge-watching sitcoms, if they're lucky and don't become homeless in the struggle to merely stay moderately comfortably alive since our health care system sucks...there's no caring for children, parents, the elderly, there's no fostering community, charity, family, friendships, mental health, spiritual health...Americans are reduced to fleshy objects, our personhood regularly sacrificed for the personhood of the corporation...the objectification of women and pornifying of the culture...the casual sexualization of children, it's pedo in your face sometimes now. I'm not a prude, I'm not a fanatic, but it's happening, it's questionable. But it was my research of all these feminist issues that actually lead me to discover MK Ultra and this entire underbelly to governments.
There is an evil in our midst and it creates more evil and maybe it's more due to men and less likely an alien interference then we're all willing to admit.
But we have to unite and fight for our collective reality to not be even MORE distorted than it already is.
Alot of real ethical questions have developed when it comes to all this gender blurring of late, especially when it comes to children. A woman in the UK projected the desire of her son to be transphoic onto her son and raised him as a girl, even though he obviously identified himself as male. She ended up getting her son taken away from her because as you read up on the case you realize she was mentally ill and indeed, neglectful and abusive of this minor. The fever of this new trans-friendly PC has already inflicted the reality of trained professionals in another country, because this is being normalized. But this is not normal. It is not normal to make a child question their identity based on something so nonsensical as their genitals. If you do even more research on your own, you'll find that alot of babies are surgically cut, male and female, if their genitals don't "fit" in this stoic binary notion of YING and YANG. We are both, we are all both and it doesn't matter what we are, because we are. So love yourself and love other people and don't do anything too extreme to the body you were gifted from the universe. You didn't buy that body. You didn't ask to be here. You're just here. Just like me. So what the hell are we doing here? Can we stand to treat strangers and ourselves with a little more love, a little more forgiveness?--because what would that hurt?
I'm not attacking James Charles by the way, I'm merely assessing my culture, as you no doubt are as well, that's why you're here reading, if you've managed to hold out for this long.
VC also mentions this crazy show which is basically totally child abuse; at 8 I would've opted to be a boy, but that quickly passed once I hit puberty, and at 36, I'm a fierce woman and comfortable in my being. I can leave the house with no makeup on. I can venture out into the world with messy hair and PJs on, everyone deserves that type of self-actualization. Life is a journey, if you take short-cuts...you'll no doubt regret them.
There's a good documentary out there right now called 'Glory Daze' and it chronicles the real life event and aftermath of a club-kid murder, notarized by the book 'Disco Bloodbath' that the movie 'Party Monster' was based on. The point is Michael Alig did it first and he did bigger and bolder.
Camille Paglia indicates that “Transgender Mania is a Symptom of Cultural Collapse”, it's an interesting tidbit out of an hour and twenty-two minute long interview on a Brazilian talk show. She's actually a brilliant professor and if you'll like to watch the entire interview, here it is below.
Remember to think beyond pink and you don't have to think like me, you just have to think.
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(As an artist, I see him making his face a pallet, so his eyes are literally stormy, perhaps there is a storm in his mind). |
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(This image makes me very uncomfortable and it's not due to a male wearing makeup, it's the darkening of the jawline).
We can't forget all the lovely transvestites such as RuPaul or Divine! To assign to James Charles the undeserved 'credit' of breaking gender norms is laughable and we forget history if we go along with this blatant delusion.
The one person who's done anything towards truly breaking through cultural norms is Norah Vincent. Following in the tradition of John Howard Griffin (Black Like Me), Vincent spent a year and a half disguised as her male alter ego, Ned, exploring what men are like when women aren’t around. She wrote about her spell-bounding experience living as a drag king called Self-Made Man: One Woman's Year Disguised as a Man - back in 2006. The experience caused her to have a mental breakdown of which she documents in the book.
This is what James Charles looks like sans makeup:

Pretty unexceptional...which is probably why he does his makeup, he wants to appear to be attractive because now, apparently, men as well as women are supposed to derive their self-worth from their appearance. If that is the point of all this nonsense then we are not taking any collective steps forward as a species. Men will face the same blight of aesthetics just as women already do and have. This is the pith of eating disorders and body image disorders in women. This unreal aesthetic, this belief that your value is bound exclusively to your appearance is erroneous and disastrous. It is not anything men should wish to mimic.
I remember as a preteen and teenager pouring over my flaws, every blemish, pimple, open pore, blackhead, scar, dimple, and dent was a direct reflection of my inadequacy. My failure to achieve beauty. I used to not even be able to leave the house without a full face of makeup that would sometimes take 45 to 120 mins to apply. It is a ridiculous preening ritual. As you grow older as a woman in America, you very quickly realize--if you have half a brain--that cashing in on looks is a series of diminishing returns, you will inevitably age; you also start to desire that men care less of your looks and more of what you say. This idiotic notion that women rule the world due to how they look completely dismisses masses of women that are ugly, homely, manly, old, fat - undesirable to the patriarchy. You also realize as you age as a female American that you do not want to actually attract a serial rapist or serial sexual killer. The best way to avoid that fate is to either steal yourself in your own defense or not purposely attract the male gaze at all, as if you catch the eye of the wrong male, you face certain death. That is the reality for the American female.
A series of hypocrisy and double standards.
As I age I find myself judging men more harshly, categorizing them on their appearance, assigning them value based on their level of "attractiveness" - which is not always determined by appearance, it is mainly fueled by demeanor! For masses of men to become enchanted with a lie, to become obsessed with possession of a female merely based on fleeting appearances, makeup is an illusory appearance at that, and the indulgence of ego due to male entitlement, is shown again and again and again every time a woman is murdered by a thwarted lover or deranged partner. So this is what comprises the dilemma of Rape Culture.
Making men conform to a new 'effeminate' status quo is not any kind of solution, it will only create more confusion, more spiritual unrest, more conflict. And if Keel is right in any way about his theory about our emotions being food for some type of interdimensional entity or beings, then purposely constructed social unrest makes sense. It's a feast.
It is also easier to control confused materialistic vain vapid people, is it not? Let's be real. Makeup sales and cancer rates will no doubt increase if CoverGirl and the chemical makeup industry gets their way..it's very unfortunate that we live in a society where predatory Janus style capitalism will essentially "eat your cancer when you turn black".
The research on the psychological war on women lead me to conclude that there is also a psychological war on men, teenagers, children, babies, and the elderly. In America there's this tremendous social disconnect from each other. Many face a fate of being bedridden and binge-watching sitcoms, if they're lucky and don't become homeless in the struggle to merely stay moderately comfortably alive since our health care system sucks...there's no caring for children, parents, the elderly, there's no fostering community, charity, family, friendships, mental health, spiritual health...Americans are reduced to fleshy objects, our personhood regularly sacrificed for the personhood of the corporation...the objectification of women and pornifying of the culture...the casual sexualization of children, it's pedo in your face sometimes now. I'm not a prude, I'm not a fanatic, but it's happening, it's questionable. But it was my research of all these feminist issues that actually lead me to discover MK Ultra and this entire underbelly to governments.
There is an evil in our midst and it creates more evil and maybe it's more due to men and less likely an alien interference then we're all willing to admit.
But we have to unite and fight for our collective reality to not be even MORE distorted than it already is.
Alot of real ethical questions have developed when it comes to all this gender blurring of late, especially when it comes to children. A woman in the UK projected the desire of her son to be transphoic onto her son and raised him as a girl, even though he obviously identified himself as male. She ended up getting her son taken away from her because as you read up on the case you realize she was mentally ill and indeed, neglectful and abusive of this minor. The fever of this new trans-friendly PC has already inflicted the reality of trained professionals in another country, because this is being normalized. But this is not normal. It is not normal to make a child question their identity based on something so nonsensical as their genitals. If you do even more research on your own, you'll find that alot of babies are surgically cut, male and female, if their genitals don't "fit" in this stoic binary notion of YING and YANG. We are both, we are all both and it doesn't matter what we are, because we are. So love yourself and love other people and don't do anything too extreme to the body you were gifted from the universe. You didn't buy that body. You didn't ask to be here. You're just here. Just like me. So what the hell are we doing here? Can we stand to treat strangers and ourselves with a little more love, a little more forgiveness?--because what would that hurt?
I'm not attacking James Charles by the way, I'm merely assessing my culture, as you no doubt are as well, that's why you're here reading, if you've managed to hold out for this long.
VC also mentions this crazy show which is basically totally child abuse; at 8 I would've opted to be a boy, but that quickly passed once I hit puberty, and at 36, I'm a fierce woman and comfortable in my being. I can leave the house with no makeup on. I can venture out into the world with messy hair and PJs on, everyone deserves that type of self-actualization. Life is a journey, if you take short-cuts...you'll no doubt regret them.
There's a good documentary out there right now called 'Glory Daze' and it chronicles the real life event and aftermath of a club-kid murder, notarized by the book 'Disco Bloodbath' that the movie 'Party Monster' was based on. The point is Michael Alig did it first and he did bigger and bolder.
So don't let CoverGirl's CoverBoy CoverUp fool you! "So Lashy" is really "So PassƩ".
Camille Paglia indicates that “Transgender Mania is a Symptom of Cultural Collapse”, it's an interesting tidbit out of an hour and twenty-two minute long interview on a Brazilian talk show. She's actually a brilliant professor and if you'll like to watch the entire interview, here it is below.
Remember to think beyond pink and you don't have to think like me, you just have to think.
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