The Temple of She: A Feminist's Thoughts on Shakti Kumari, the Mommy Myth, Femicide, Abortion, and The Sixth Extinction
Read a National Geographic article about kumari and shakti, kumari is a living goddess and means virgin girl; shakti is female power. Nepal literally worships little girls and has been doing so since the 10th century. It's getting harder for them to do so of course, and the entire article is absolutely fascinating, I encourage you to find it, it's called Living Goddesses from the June 2015 edition. Sadly, a kumari stops being a living goddesses as soon as she bleeds, either experienced by their first menstruation or an errand cut.
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Kumari Shakti or the power of virginity is regarded as the highest power in Nepal |
I personally practice and advocate continuous cycle. You can do this on birth control (in my case, NuvaRing). The placebo period is completely unnecessary and was thought up by some idiot 1920's type minded gents that somehow figured women not having periods would make them hysterical. Now men having periods would make them hysterical but women not having them, Christ, it would be liberating. Just try it. I love it. No tampons, no pads, no cramps, no mood swings, no ruined underwear. Just think ladies, not only do you not have to have children, you technically don't even have to have a period. It's almost conspiratorial.
Motherhood is no great thing. Not as it once was. Too often mothers are overburdened today in contemporary American society. Men are so reluctant to be husbands. My father often used to say, "Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?" Now what if it's not just women that were the cow, what if it's the men now too? Mankind as cow-kind. Especially when women are bypassing men in education and income. So, why have a baby, why even have a period? Truly, as a logical human think about this system of birth and reexamine it as something actually fairly horrific plaguing womenkind. There's a tremendous amount of pregnancy induced diseases and medical complications that also contribute to the overall unappealing nature of reproduction. Typically it is the narcissist or naive that have babies. Especially if unplanned.
I have much contempt for a woman who approaches motherhood with the same amount of thoughtlessness that goes into getting a puppy or kitten. Some women have a child thinking that something in this world will finally unconditionally love and/or need them, when what happens is you've ultimately birthed a maelstrom of emotional thought into humanity. You will not so much become a parent but be parented. Failing to see that what you engaged in is a scared contract and commune with the ultimate godhead. As you did not have a baby, you made and contributed to life and in a society "designed" as dysfunctionally as this one is, perhaps you've also contributed to the bars of your own prison.
America has a myth and romanticism around motherhood that's about as disturbing as the Disneyfication of love, the pornification of popular culture, sex work being touted as a valid profession, and grade schoolers watching graphic violent porn. The only real moral obligation to parenthood is not approaching it haphazardly or unrealistically. When it comes to pro-choice vs pro-life issues, I will say that the personhood of the mother should mean more but a woman should never be put in the unfortunate position of making a true life or death decision where mortality is morality. Women shouldn't even be getting pregnant in the first place, that unfortunate onus should be removed from our exclusive shoulders. The patriarchy may not be holding us back so much in that our own self-limiting beliefs and expectations are, we pick the roles of wife and mother, even baby momma and hook-up, we chose and settle for those roles. Granted, we're ruthlessly encouraged and conditioned to accept them but it doesn't mean we shouldn't question nor change the narrative. True female liberation and ultimate actualization comes not completely from severing oneself from the male but from the obligation of motherhood. As motherhood, when stripped from its novelty, is servitude and pro-choice is no choice a properly civilized society would force a woman to make merely for being a compounding victim of circumstance. Dead babies, really shouldn't be an industry, such a shame we can't all at least agree on that.
A great book that challenges this motherhood myth is The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How It Has Undermined All Women should you like to continue learning more on that very much so undiscussed topic.
Perhaps with today's unfolding technology--potentially leading to artificial wombs and longer life spans--coupled with the marvels of continuous cycle, as long as a kumari does not get cut, she could practically be a goddess indefinitely. As long as she remains a virgin. Can't taint the goods, that's how they become dirty bits.
With bio-printing and full body transplants becoming an eventual reality, humans may actually achieve longer term life spans that could feel like immorality. Could we become goddesses? Should we?
I don't know. But I do know that I'd rather be a goddess than a princess.
I read another article in Salon today about how globally teen girls are actually committing suicide at a higher rate than dying in childbirth for the first time ever, and they are actually more like to die from suicide than any other thing. Our female teenagers are killing themselves, dying by their own hand globally more than any other cause. That's a real problem and we should be trying to figure out why it's happening as well as how to stop it. Femicide is a big enough problem as it is, so we don't need a bunch of girl preteens beating any man to the punch.
The term tree hugger came about from a group of women in India hugging trees to save them, to prevent them from being cut down. They shielded these trees with their own bodies.
The earth itself is revolting against the imbalance of an over saturation of male energy. That's what Mad Max's Fury Road is really about at its pith. That's what Ex Machina is about. Male perversion driving them to their own extinction. Humanity doesn't have to all die. It's down to adapt or die. Evolve or die. They say The Sixth Mass Extinction is being driven by humankind but let's be real here, John Lennon wrote and sang Woman Is Nigger Of The World proclaiming "she's a slave to the slaves". The Sixth Mass Extinction is being driven by mankind and many a woman was derailed by Motherhood, too preoccupied to stop it.
How can little girls be worshipped as living goddesses in Nepal since the 10th century but here, in 2015 America, we have Amber Alerts and countless stories of paedophila and too many young children left for dead after unimaginable violations? How can that be?
We've forgotten some inherent sacred aspect of ourselves. We've traded magic for perversions.
Do you remember the cannibal cop?--there's been a documentary made about it called Thought Crimes: The Case of the Cannibal Cop and people whine about how the man didn't technically 'hurt' anyone. But how the hell does a man even think that way? About rape, butchering, being so incredibly sadistic...those aren't the natural qualities of a man, let alone a good man, those are the unnatural qualities of a sociopath, a psychopath. He entertained and had sexually fantasized about murder. Murder. Murder isn't sexy. Sex is about creating life, not taking it. To think otherwise is nihilistic and demonic.
Cannibal Cops thoughts provide insight on how we can become literal chattel for men. Literal garnish on plates. Rightfully be enraged these thoughts were even had, as they were evolving into actions.
Women are the tree-huggers, women are the bearers of life. By tragic default. Men cannot be permitted to maul, mock, or mimic us anymore. We need to lift our daughters up, not as Disney princesses but as shakti kumari. Refusing to continue to normalize and ignore stoping the femicide of those who in Nepal would be worshiped not defiled and body cast aside as a now useless case. Deprived of not just life but a future. One where they might've forsook motherhood and instead took up the new burden of ensuring humanity's very survival. Instead of being reduced to some sort of twisted sex toy.
Right after watching the documentary on the cannibal cop, I watched Thin a documentary on female eating disorders. A really unusual juxtaposition, a film on a man that wanted to eat women, followed by females that didn't want to eat. Both being byproducts of the fetishism of the female form.
And, yeah ladies, I get it, it's all enough to make you scream, make you lose your fucking mind, and want to kill yourself but you mustn't. You must muster on for another day. You must muscle on for another way. Because, yes,
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