VS. Wendy got about a $750,000 face-lift recently. However Wendy's is saying the hidden message that now appears in the ruffles of her collar is purely accidental . Can you see it? What if the image is zoomed in on? What if it's highlighted compared to the rest of the surrounding image? Does "Mom" remind you of anyone? Wendy's says that they are making all of these changes now because they have to continue to evolve and grow their brand. Because everyone thinks of their mother's kitchen every time they roll by one of their fine fast food establishments. If non-fiction starts to mirror fiction more often--who knows?!--maybe one day Wendy's will be serving some of this sloop up for reals: And you can wash it all down with a side of: While you unwind in front of the Hypnotoad.
Where conspiracy theories meet feminist theories. (And sometimes there's poems).