Belle Knox is running the media circuit and while on The View she admitted to Barbara Walters that she began watching porn at age 12. With that admission, people should start to discredit a teenager that claims she's doing this as a prevention against the loss of her sexual autonomy instead of it merely being a non-conventional way to pay costly college tuition, as she's also claimed as being what spurred her to pursue this 'profession'. If you've read my post on Linda Lovelace you will see that Knox is subscribing herself to predatory patriarchal capitalism and has been effectively brainwashed into deluding herself that she's living out a sexual fantasy of her own instead of being groomed to live out a kyriarchal fantasy that was imposed upon her delicate psyche from unchecked externalities.
Knox also said on The View " porn, I’m in a safe, controlled environment where I set the boundaries, I set the rules," but that is a blatant lie. Because had you read 'The Duke University Porn Star, Adolescentophilia, and Predatory Capitalism Connection' and all of the included hyperlinks, you would already know she had tearfully compromised such boundaries thus proving that Knox is in a controlled environment where she follows rules and does not set them.
On the Bethenny show Knox discussed her future aspirations of becoming a civil rights lawyer! Bethenny understandably responded: “Those are two very different brands: being a civil rights lawyer and being a porn star.” Knox tried to draw parallels between the two professions, saying both 'professions' were about First Amendment rights and women’s rights advocacy.
I wonder if civil rights lawyers ever need Handlers? If you are wondering what a Handler is, it is another porn occupation that thanks to Shelley Lubben of The Pink Cross Foundation I'm aware of. A Handler is a person that moves, positions, transports, and basically babysits the porn actress who is so fucked up on drugs or alcohol while on set that they aren't even in charge of their own autonomy much less sexual autonomy anymore and therefore requires a Handler. I'm unable to find the exact video where Lubben sheds a light on this other porn 'profession' that doesn't get as much chatter as say a job as a Fluffer does and I know that Lubben's foundation gets a lot of flack sometimes but her website with its wealth of information is not one to easily dismiss, so if a reader would like to determine the legitimacy of that profession of Handler, I can only direct you to the trove of videos on Lubben's site to sort through on your own. She's a born-again Christian so be prepared for ideologies of that vein but it should not discredit her industry experiences or insights, they still should be objectively heard out.
Knox also dangerously fails to realize that she's fallen into a lobster trap of a 'profession', even Jenna Jameson after swearing to never do porn again and keeping that vow for five years, ended up breaking it. And Jameson, by all consideration, 'made it' as a porn starlet. However by November 15, 2013 Jameson in an interview with Entertainment Tonight said she hadn't seen her kids in four months because she has to pay a mediator $600 an hour just to spend time with them. In the same interview she went on to say she has no car, and is homeless thanks to her estranged husband.
Hopefully had Knox had more life experience she'd come to the conclusion that pornography is a failure of the labor market, plain and simple. She'd also realize her own crass sexploitation. Knox would also realize that it was a mere six years ago that she was 12 and that what she's now submerging herself in, isn't going to lift any other 12 year old girls up.
Kakenya Ntaiya born in the small village of Enoosaen, Kenya and engaged at age 5, had to strike a deal with her father that she would undergo the traditional Maasai rite of passage of clitoris circumcision if he would let her go to high school. Ntaiya went through the ceremony about the same age that Knox began watching porn. Ntaiya continued her education and went to college, she eventually negotiated with her village elders to build a school for girls in her community and that changed the lives of an additional 125 women. In her TED Talk she explains that she grew-up living in a world where mothers are blamed for their daughters rapes and out of wedlock births, and that mothers are punished and beaten for such offenses of their daughters. Ntaiya comes from a culture where often females are robbed of their sexual autonomy and are subjected to sexual violence.
When Ntaiya came to America she proclaimed she realized that, "I did not have to trade part of my body for an education."
But why is Belle Knox trading part of her body for an education and why is she touting that sale as a sexual liberation? And why are other women inclined to celebrate Knox's proclamations of 'empowerment'? Because the world of porn and sex-work isn't a one size fits all world.
For every 'success story' of 'female empowerment' through 'sex-work' there are thousands upon thousands of other stories of the more real coerced, exploited, trafficked, and desperate, for male or female, adult or child, voluntary via kyriarchal externalities or involuntary via kyriarchal repressive sexploitation, that don't include personal successes or empowerment for the people that work in sex to live. I'm all about social change but Knox is selling herself two times over, and for her to think that she can just leave the whirlpool of porn whenever she wants and just go be a lawyer when drug addicts and ex-criminals and gay people and those that have seen combat and those that have filed bankruptcy face job discrimination everyday is mind boggling.
The only real interview I want to see Belle Knox have in the foreseeable future, is one across the table from Kakenya Ntaiya. Because if Knox was overweight, homely, and going to a community college instead of Duke--nobody would give a shit if she was doing porn or not to achieve a required income since most of us all lack a guaranteed income.
I didn't really want to write about Knox again but Kakenya Ntaiya's story was inspiring, whereas Knox's story is incidence.
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