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Showing posts from 2014

#1 Love (poem)

Life is havoc  wreaked  upon us, we drink aqua from sapphires, bemused in spite of it. Inspired because of it. She might be gone, but the house is still here. Stands sturdy, German construction in the ghetto. Nothin' 'bout these walls are hollow. But they are hallowed.     Even if you only see squalor.          There's still laughter in the parlor,                 so please excuse my pallor,                     and don't you dare call us fuckin'  "parlor libertarians".      Anymore. We're all Einsteins & librarians, cancer-free vegetarians, radical radicals. We're gonna brake protocol, heed the call, and start a new procedure.   Ramrod this roughshod ramshackle politic   because our love is thick--     -- thicker than your poisoned water....

Hobby Lobby, Corporate Personhood, and Vampires

The Hobby Lobby court ruling is   bullshit. Here's  why  it is bullshit:  "Believing with you that  religion is a matter which lies solely between [Woman] & [her] [ Hathor ] (God),  that [she]  owes account  to none other  for [her] faith or [her] worship, that  the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions,  I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should  'make no law respecting an establishment of religion,  or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."   - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. A separation between church and state in America was encouraged by Jefferson because he was intelligent enough to know that religious dogma is essentially  an opinion  and that opinion's should ...

Where Americans Live (poem)

You live in ruins, You live in movies. Feed your children poison. You feed your children disease.  You silence your women, And cut down your trees. You live in suburbs, You skin both your knees. You don't own, you rent, but you're both on the lease. You buy for satisfaction, You fuck for release. And if you feel uncertain, even while he sleeps... You know it's no Civil Iron Curtain, he just never says please. You live in ruins. You live in TVs.

5 Aquatic Creatures That Redefine "Sexuality"

I love me some human transgenders, because it helps me contemplate the divine collective spirit that connects us all.  It allows me to perceive identity as something fluid and to be self-actualized; instead of engineered by society.     These notions have assisted me in choosing to become a feminist, have allowed me to believe in a love that defies societal constraints or dynamics, it's basically why...  ...I'm so groovy.   But what I love most about the androgynous , the transgenders, transsexuals, hermaphrodites, and transvestites - is their truly uncanny  ability to reflect ourselves as a society back to ourselves as a society, and we can see how while we endeavor to appear to become so sexy in the eye of some imagined beholder   (no matter how programmed some of us are for whose eyes these days...)  on occasion we fail to see how silly we look to other beholden.  ...

The Neighbors (poem)

He replaced her, Easily, readily, apparently Reduced her and introduced her, Reupholstered, and seduced her. Allowed her sin in too akin to skin to be a blue twin when whenever you repurpose an allowance of an alliance between with or within. Without... ...They tuss and tussle about. He loses, she gains clout There is clashes, fangs flashes, gnashing but now, Silence, a hum.  To error is human. But a humanitarian can scare and scar, Just ask her. She don't live dare no mo`. So he replaced her. After he ridiculed and defaced her. With his cum and his jizz, The bruises are hers, But the initials are his.

Is This Person Really Just a Jerk? - 15 Ways to Tell If They Are

(Yup, that shade of jerk is permanent, son.) Munchausen hadn't had the best of days when this was originally drafted.  Maybe it started when a legit troll on Twitter started harassing Munchausen's handle to the point where the Twitter app had to get temporarily uninstalled from my smartphone because this troll was sooo desperate to get the last word in and was hell bent on telling Munchausen to cut the "radical feminism" out because it was so "unbecoming".  Reassuring that if Munchausen "stopped saying stupid things" - they'd never be heard from again, when I never really wanted to hear from them in the first place, (guess they didn't know about the block feature on Twitter or my First Amendment Rights?!).  Or maybe it was the garbage truck driver I had to flick off when I was getting into my car on that same particular morning when they decided to give a wolf whistle despite my truly   conservative  ga...