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Showing posts from November, 2021

“Daddy Issues” Episode #6 - Feels Just Like I’m Walking on Broken Glass (memoir)

My grandpa had died recently.  I found out via a Facebook post and I’m proud of myself for demonstrating some grace as I wasn’t too thrilled to have discovered this information second hand through an electronic social media platform.   I was successfully able to control my emotions (ended up having a severe unanticipated reaction to Wellbutrin back in May 2021) and it was refreshing.  I didn’t let that Monkey Mind get the upper hand this time.  #Accomplishments A lot has happened in my personal life— again —dear readers and albeit I really prefer to actually type, I may start to resort to writing/posting in my blog via my thumbs.  Which isn’t ideal at all but wasting pointless hours on Facebook doesn’t really sound appealing anymore either.  Nor being seated in front of my tv, or hell, seated at all period.  But I apologize, my life seemed to completely go haywire even independent of covid.  I fell off, and in all s...