Lil Miquela became a 'virtual model' on Instagram back in 2016 , which is the year her 'marketing concept' was launched. She was touted as being a digitally rendered media influencer, the perfect model, she'll never age or get paid, sass back or have her own opinions. She possess no morals to be compromised. Miquela is still touted as being a CGI fictional character and there's much confusion surrounding her, everything from what she really is to what she's really supposed to be doing . Computer-generated influencers have been quietly appearing everywhere over the past few years. In fact, as of September 22, 2019 there's 13 of them . Perhaps most intriguing is Blawko, who always dons a mask (more on that in an upcoming post). Blawko, wearing masks before it was cool. In this Dec 19, 2018 Holiday Special on YouTube what appears to be a severed true CGI head of Blawko ...
Where conspiracy theories meet feminist theories. (And sometimes there's poems).