I saw you, blurred face in your glory haze kissing on all your bae living out your last days at Ray's "Your Brother" is behind you in almost every photo I got every one and my mom telling me to let go but they don't know what I know. I'm not the one whom should be embarrassed, cyber-stalker or canvassed? I bet the new standard is rancid breath your inside voice is yelling this new Tarot spread is oh, so, very telling the tale has crash appeal the plot's so compelling I can't help but analyze what you cannibalize what you say but don't verbalize it's the feature that sold me. He's not here to scold me away from reality anymore the reality, it is really, really ugly stop taking selfies so smugly you're a bit too loco, a bit too local, and mummy & daddy fear your beer isn't low cal she's so basic so clutch so ratchet so such with her blander banter wi...
Where conspiracy theories meet feminist theories. (And sometimes there's poems).