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Showing posts from December, 2016

CoverGirl's CoverBoy CoverUp

James Charles has been touted around for "making history" and "breaking gender norms" since he's become  the first male to be a CoverGirl. That statement only makes sense if wearing makeup itself was "normal" but as it's not - he's certainly not breaking anything; Mr. Charles is instead merely conforming to an already--and ancient--abnormal construct.  The cultural use of cosmetics for both male and female is an ancient practice.  It's nothing new.  CoverGirl is merely touting this notion to expand makeup sales, and is definitely using sensationalism to accomplish this.  It's a marketing gimmick, a ploy.  Although cosmetics have been used for centuries in religious rituals, to enhance beauty, and to promote good health, with the recent CoverGirl launch of "So Lashy" they'd have you believing that mascara was just invented.  It wasn't. Cosmetic pioneer Eugene Rimmel--founder of the British House of Rimm...