I didn't know it was possible for a turd to cost 50 million dollars but as evidenced by Hollywood magick, it most certainly can in the form of a movie that should have never made it into production: The Nice Guys. A completely misleading trailer, it was packaged as a comedy not a mystery/crime film. Since nobody gives a shit about movie posters or their taglines anymore, except those living in a realm of nostalgia, had I known the tagline on this waste of space POS was "Nice Pair - This Summer" I wouldn't have seen it because that awful "phrasing" alone would have clued me on not wasting the two hours of my life that I can never get back. The nice pair are certainly boobs but of the yahoo variety, however ladies and ladies, we're still going to squeeze them. In the context of the thing that aspired to be a film, the boobs are wannabe private dicks (ha, ha - get it? "dicks" ) Holland March (Gosling) and Jackson Healty (Crowe). But ...
Where conspiracy theories meet feminist theories. (And sometimes there's poems).