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Showing posts from January, 2016

Let Sweetie Little Jean's Elephant Out of the Room

Cage the Elephant recently released a heavy-handed pro-female album entitled 'Tell Me I'm Pretty' and an entire critique of the album could easily be done, it is rich in complex symbolism, deployed via simplistic lyrics (makes sense since Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys assisted in production).  However o ne track that I'd like to specifically focus on from 'Tell Me I'm Pretty' is Sweetie Little Jean.     In this part of the world it's Track 2 Mess Around that is getting the most airtime on the radio, but Sweetie Little Jean  is sitting pretty as Track 3 on the album and is hands-down the most important song from Cage the Elephant's most recent compilation.  If you listen to the song without really paying attention to the lyrics, it has an old fashioned twang of a poppy unrequited love ballad.  But when you actively listen to the entire song including full absorption of the lyrics, it quickly l...

Will the Zika Virus Finally Allow Women to Opt Out of Pregnancy?

Microcephaly The Zika virus is linked to causing the recent surge in what was once a rare condition-- microcephaly --a birth defect characterized by small heads and brains (as depicted above).  Linked to the spread of Zika is the  "Tiger Mosquito " as carrier, whose territory due to Global Warming has been expanding, to pretty much everywhere except Canada. Asian tiger mosquito Thus it is an invasive species, more commonly known as the Asian tiger mosquito  (Aedes albopictus) , n amed for the black-and-white stripes on its body and known for its aggression as the Asian tiger bites all day long, from morning until night, unlike most North American species who only do so at dusk. It has a real blood-lust for us blood bursting humans and  once it's on you, it doesn't let go. Other insects are now harassing U.S. residents, such as the innocuous sounding  Gallinippers (Psorophora ciliata), ...