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Showing posts from October, 2013

Does Porn Aide In The Creation Of Sexual Serial Killers?

I've often wondered that very question. After watching the BBC documentary "Teens Hooked on Girls" -- which was more like "Boys Hooked on Porn" I can't help but ponder over that question now more than ever.  I'm no scientist and I don't have a doctorate but something about the information I've been exposed to bothers me. Thanks to this documentary I now know that "Vampire Porn" exists and certainly have no desire to Google it.  The mere notion as to what 'vampire porn' could be makes me a bit puke-ish not unlike other pornography that seems to desecrate bodies and souls, instead of celebrating and loving those bodies and souls; and that statement comes from a very agnostic place.  But that's the part of porn that makes me uncomfortable, that causes me to look away, to know it's wrong because it feels wrong.  Yet there's a reason why that porn is being made, it's being made for those that cannot look away, thos...

5 Videos That Prove Women Are, Indeed, Hysterical

I know it's practically 2014 already but just as recently as 2012 dudes like Adam Carolla and Joseph Gordon-Levitt were clarifying for all people everywhere that women, especially the pretty ones just...well, are about as funny as a dead fish wearing red stilettos . T o understand what "being funny" is exactly all about in general, we need to recognize that to actually "be funny" requires a certain level of intelligence, comedic timing, witticisms, wisdom, and insight into not just the human condition, but into the subtle art of language.  These are all attributes that women aren't supposed to supposedly possess because men like to envision themselves as being the final authority on damn near everything, i.e. "mansplaining"  . It seems that at its very pith, the myth of "women aren't funny" really more so centers around the fear of a male being emasculated.  Mainly, losing the power of captive female audience members being ...

LEYKIS 101 (poem)

Hey man, the way some men see it , They’re a black horse She’s Hoss He’s biting at a bit while lost, dragging the wagon She’s a sitting pretty boss but standing , a fist with a kiss Digging for Goldilocks’ rocks , Cross that she rules through woes Because her flesh is tender and can easily bruise They see their entitlement, not as a misuse, But as vengeance. They want to drink alcohol until four, Play Xbox with their boyz, Watch all of the sports and WrestleMania . They’re all into action flicks And have Magnum dicks Guns mean their liberation And they are under no obligation to hold the door anymore… Children aren't raised, they’re kidnapped . They’re pawns in a system that just goes on & on. But she’s the one dancing with ties tied to her arms . She’s the one the serpent charmed. Chained to your side, with a strange face for love. Taking innocence like a man… Richard Ramirez as ‘ Night Stalker ’ but that’s not him , He’...