I've often wondered that very question. After watching the BBC documentary "Teens Hooked on Girls" -- which was more like "Boys Hooked on Porn" I can't help but ponder over that question now more than ever. I'm no scientist and I don't have a doctorate but something about the information I've been exposed to bothers me. Thanks to this documentary I now know that "Vampire Porn" exists and certainly have no desire to Google it. The mere notion as to what 'vampire porn' could be makes me a bit puke-ish not unlike other pornography that seems to desecrate bodies and souls, instead of celebrating and loving those bodies and souls; and that statement comes from a very agnostic place. But that's the part of porn that makes me uncomfortable, that causes me to look away, to know it's wrong because it feels wrong. Yet there's a reason why that porn is being made, it's being made for those that cannot look away, thos...
Where conspiracy theories meet feminist theories. (And sometimes there's poems).